Lent provides us with a perfect chance to explore the extraordinary attributes of our Savior, Servant, and Friend, Jesus. It is a time to marvel at the many blessings we received when he laid down his life for us on the cross and then rose victorious from the grave.
Each service in this series dwells upon a different aspect of our greatest Friend and what each characteristic means to us as his followers and friends.
Ash Wednesday • Forgiver
Jesus forgives us again and again, even though we do not deserve it.
Week 1 • Healer
Jesus heals us when we are wounded and weakened by sin.
Week 2 • Listener
Jesus listens to us like no other and answers our questions and concerns.
Week 3 • Encourager
Jesus encourages us in our faith to live our life for him.
Week 4 • Protector
Jesus protects us from the devil and from danger and keeps us safe in him.
Week 5 • Comforter
Jesus comforts us in struggles and sorrows that we might find rest in his promises.
Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran Church!
Our Savior Lutheran is located in Abilene, Texas.
Join us each Sunday for Bible Study, Worship, and Fellowship.
Sunday school for ALL Ages 9:15 a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m.
Coffee & Fellowship 11:30 a.m.
Join us online.
Live at 10:30 a.m. CST or view are archives of previous worship services.
“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
Our Savior Lutheran exists to reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and respond to opportunities of worship, missions, education, service, and fellowship.
Our Savior Lutheran
The history of Our Savior Lutheran Church began in March 1952, when Zion Lutheran Church in Abilene started a Mission School at 3001 Hunt Street. Sunday school was held in a house located on the property and the classes were taught be members of Zion.
The work was subsequently taken over by the Mission Board of the Texas District and the project was known as the Southside Lutheran Church.
On March 29, 1953, the congregation was officially organized and selected the name “Our Savior Lutheran Church”.